![]() |
I used a raspberry pi and an IP camera as a convenient way for our family to see what is in the driveway.
I tried using google's nest camera, but I found that it did not work well for this application. Namely, it did not like always streaming content. |
![]() | Located in the center of the kitchen/living room, so now everyone can see the driveway.
The Camera is a SV3C 5MP Wifi camera. I ended up hard-wiring it via ethernet. It gets it's power over the ethernet cable. The camera cost about $65 off Amazon. |
![]() | It is really handy to see who is in the driveway, or if the mail is getting delivered, etc...
I used the raspberry pi that I got as part of a kit off Amazon. "Vilros Raspberry Pi 4 4GB Complete Kit with Clear Transparent Fan Cooled Case" The kit was $99. I vaguely recall the fan was too noisy. |
![]() | I used an old pencil box to stuff the raspberry pi and the needed power cords in. I drilled a bunch of holes to vent the pi. The pi tends to get hot in the summer and was overheating until I ve\
nted the pencil case. I used the 4 standard monitor screw locations to mount the pencil box on the back of the monitor.
I had to fiddle some with the software to get it to start up and run the web application in fullscreen automatically. I hope it never breaks because it will take some googling to refigure that out.
This is such a rare finished project, I figured I better document it.... some. I hope you enjoyed this ramble. |
![]() |
I recommend that you DO NOT buy any of the Cannon InkJet Printers.
On October of 2017, I purchased a Canon printer off amazon for $250. It seemed like a great choice for escaping the Ink cartridge scam of pricy ink. It comes with refillable ink wells filled with 2 years worth of ink! ALAS NOT SO FAST, the printer includes a non-replacable, non-serviceable ink pad (aka the ink absorber) - which lasts about 2 years - then the printer is ready for the landfill - according to Canon Support.
Creating shoddy products like this, should be illegal. Class action lawsuit? Buyer beware. |
Java's switch
switch(num){ 7: System.out.println("seven"); break; 3: System.out.println("three"); break; default: System.out.println("deffy"); } |
Clojure's equivalent
(case 7 (println "seven") 3 (println "three") (println "deffy") ) |
If you are a developer, this video is worth seeing... although you will feel like your current development tools are stone age things... Makes me loath my IDE.... |
![]() Pulled the trigger on my office @system76 order... i7-3820 - 32GB Ram - 240Gig SSD - $2500 Can't wait... I'm sure I will code faster.
I had to look this up twice, so here is a note to self... To add a custom program or shell script to the unity launcher do this gnome-desktop-item-edit --create-new ~/Desktop |
Quite pleased with my short time with
browser automation solution.) All 76 permutations of form filling now automated!! (took about 2 hours.) Now integration testing is going to be a breeze.
I used this short gradle script: apply plugin: 'groovy' apply plugin: 'idea' repositories { mavenRepo urls: ["http://repo1.maven.org/maven2"] mavenCentral() } dependencies { groovy group: 'org.codehaus.groovy', name: 'groovy', version: '1.7.5' compile "org.codehaus.geb:geb-core:latest.release", "org.seleniumhq.selenium:selenium-firefox-driver:latest.release" testCompile 'junit:junit:4.7' } task(console, dependsOn: 'classes', type: JavaExec) { main = 'groovy.ui.Console' classpath = sourceSets.main.runtimeClasspath }Which lets you bring up a groovy console to test out groovy/geb code. Like so $ gradle consoleAnd then noodle with a script until it's ready to be knighted as a unit test.... import geb.* import org.openqa.selenium.firefox.FirefoxDriver Browser.drive( new FirefoxDriver(), "http://google.com" ){ go() assert title == "Google" $("input", name: "q").value("wikipedia") $("input", value: "Google Search").click() }Extra sweet!! If you need a Grails/Gradle/Griffon/Android/Java hacker, I'm seeking my next gig right now!! |
// Groovy web server using only the JDK in 8 lines please import com.sun.net.httpserver.*; HttpServer server = HttpServer.create(new InetSocketAddress(2222),0) server.createContext('/', { HttpExchange exchange -> exchange.sendResponseHeaders(200,0); exchange.responseBody.write('hello from groovy land.'.bytes) exchange.responseBody.close(); } as HttpHandler) server.start(); |
![]() Crystal misplaced her phone charger, but we still had one for the car.... I was thinking how nice it would be to have a 12 volt car adapter for the wall... Hello monoprice.com!!! , I love those guys... |
![]() I created and placed in the market Car Cast Pro . I also updated the web page with a little more information about Car Cast. Car Cast Pro is $2.99 (about the cost of a beer.) |
![]() I'm very lucky to get a free phone from google as a part of the Developer Seeding program. Alas I didnt get the one I wanted. Hopefully the Android Device Exchange can help everyone in this situation! |
![]() UPDATE: Nov 4th, I'm booked till April, 2009 I'm seeking new full-time or part-time consulting work in the Boston area using some combination of Groovy, Grails, Griffon, Android and/or Java. I enjoy building stuff. I've had loads of fun this year with both Grails and Android. With heaps of Grails, I helped modernise a innovative problem solving web site, innocentive.com . I also launched an Android Podcast Player, Car Cast . Thanks!! |
![]() I've been working on my own podcast application, CarCast ,... and just announced so has GOOGLE, http://listen.googlelabs.com/ Queue big and scary music!!! Yikes. I think my own feeble attempt might just be crushed.... Actually though, they do some things well, but some things I think CarCast does better.... The road has room enough for more than 1 type of car... So I'm going to continue tinkering on CarCast. |
"Todd Finch, Dell senior product marketing manager, said the number of Linux returns are approximately the same as those for Windows netbooks. He categorized the matter of returns as a 'non-issue.' 'They are making something of nothing,' he said of Microsoft's claims." |
The Grails Console is a handy way to try and tinker with stuff. If you switch back to your editor/IDE and change a domain or controller class, the console restarts. This is good, but it drops all the tinkering that you were doing. That can mean a loosing quite a bit of work. At a coworkers suggestion, I tried modifying the Grails Console to save the current text during a restart. This is what I did and it works. Edit $GRAILS_HOME/scripts/console.groovy and replace the existing monitorCallback with this one monitorCallback = { def text = console.inputArea.text println "Exiting console" console.exit() println "Console had ---\n$text\n---" createConsole() println " Restarting console" console.run() // wait for inputArea to be constructed Thread.sleep(500) console.inputArea.text = text }Yea, the sleep is grotty, but without it the inputArea wasnt always constructed in time (race.) It dumps the current script to the console as a cut/paste backup if the console doesnt reload in a happy way. |
![]() Whew! Someone is working on the Android client for Pandora. I've really gotten used to Pandora, sorry imeem. Woot Woot Pandora. |
![]() A friend of mine says We are a small company in Waltham, Massachusetts looking for a full-time Grails contractor for 3 months (Q3). Even a talented J2EE contractor could be of interest (with a passion for learning new technology), although a Grails developer would be our first priority.Anyone looking in the Boston area? |
![]() Just like the first start up task is designing the tee shirt, I'm spending time tinkering with the logo for a program that is still pretty much a hacky prototope... ah well. Here's a New Icon for CarCast. CarCast is an mp3 player that's designed to be used in the car during a typical commute. |
![]() Some screen shots of my Android application, Car Cast ... it is still a work in progress... but it is fun!! |
![]() A buddy of mine, @cutshot , is looking for a part time (1-3 month) Groovy developer to help out with a project. Any groovy people in the Boston Area looking for some work? |
Two interesting things I found today. First ThingI use IntelliJ a lot when working on Grails and Groovy projects. Since IntelliJ doesn't have Eclipe's quick overview feature (Control-o), I do a lot of searhing when using IntelliJ. Alas the incremental search in IntelliJ, marks stuff yellow... and it doesnt clear it when you change your search. After a few searches your file is too yellow too look at. To clear all the highlighting, just hit escape twice. (thanks Ed for finding this one.) Second ThingI wanted to display how long it took to process something, but I wanted it to be readable by humans. ie. Loading data took 1h 3m 33sand NOT Loading data took 28882 secondsThis little class makes that pretty easy, Date Formatting and Parsing for Humans in Java with HumanTime
Although I still wish I had a nice solution that would just do days.
println daysAgo( new Date(0) )with output like 30 years, 2 months and 12 days ago |
(copy/pasted from elsewhere) Dear World: We, the United States of America, your top quality supplier of ideals of democracy, would like to apologize for our 2001-2008 interruption in service. The technical fault that led to this eight-year service outage has been located, and the software responsible was replaced November 4. Early tests of the newly installed program indicate that we are now operating correctly, and we expect it to be fully functional on January 20. We apologize for any inconvenience caused by the outage. We look forward to resuming full service and hope to improve in years to come. We thank you for your patience and understanding. Sincerely, THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA |
![]() I bought a Google Phone from craigs list. I really like it. I'm using it with the pay as you go t-mobile plan (10 cents a minute for voice, no data plan.) I use a wifi connection at home and at work to use the applications with the network. It's really a great device, and a no brainer if you are a Java Developer with an interest in carrying around some power in your pocket. |
A funny tee shirt from
, it is titled
Don't Drink or Drive
... Some of their tee shirts are offensive, but lots of them are funny.
![]() Make commuting (or treadmill time) fun with a groovy podcast downloader I've received quite a bit of feedback on my earlier release of my groovy podcast downloader script. I've folded in this feedback. Take a spin at http://github.com/bherrmann7/podcast-get/tree/master/src/pget.groovy Enjoy!! Please send along feedback! bob@jadn.com |
![]() I use a small Groovy script to download podcasts into a single directory. It numbers the files uniquely and they can be simply copied to any mp3 player (for my long commute.) It uses an array of podcast urls as it's source. It keeps track of what is downloaded (so you dont get the same podcasts over and over.) You can stop the script and edit and re-run it (tweaker friendly). Rerunning is safe because it doesn't update the history until the end and it skips already downloaded files. I wanted to try out git hub, so I posted it there. I'm interested in all feedback. Download it at http://github.com/bherrmann7/podcast-get/tree/master/src/pget.groovy |
![]() Groovy's Grape looks wicked cool, but I didn't have much luck getting it going (posted on stackoverflow) . Anyone else have success? |
![]() Open Source Therapy by Nat Torkington . The talk covers, "Open Source finds itself at a midway point in its existence, with unresolved trauma and an uncertain future. Join noted open source psychologist Dr Nat as he works through these issues and, hopefully, helps open source achieve stability." I found it very funny. I'm sure it applies to the Rails and Grails community as well. |
Grails scaffolding generates list.gsp pages with tables. The default style when mousing over items in the list highlights the row. This provides nice feedback to the user about which row they are "selecting", but if a user clicks, nothing happens. This little tweak makes the click do the reasonable thing (which is drill down on the item clicked on.) In list.gsp, change <tr class="${(i % 2) == 0 ? 'odd' : 'even'}">to <tr class="${(i % 2) == 0 ? 'odd' : 'even'}" onclick='window.location = "show?id=${YourBean.id}"'/>This will make your users happy. |
![]() Get Job Done is a slick site for matching people and projects. Similar to grailscrowd.com , but "Get Job Done" is for all kinds of technology stacks. "Get Job Done" was written using Grails! Sweet... |
![]() Pandora rocks. Not sure I will ever play one of my CDs ever again. It is like a radio station that only plays music that you like. My profile at Bob's Pandora Profile |
![]() I was looking at te grails crowd website, grailscrowd.com and I discovered grailsjobs.com/ . I wonder if either will get enough interest to make finding consulting grails work easy? I know about, workingwithrails.com and I think it must do wonders for the Ruby guys. |
On Ubuntu I sometimes need to run the Turbo Tax Runtime (aka. Windows Vista), I recently installed the GPL Virtualbox from Sun Microsystems. It works great! and only took a few steps; $ sudo apt-get install virtualbox $ sudo apt-get install virtualbox-ose-modules-2.6.24-19-generic $ sudo addgroup bob vboxusers $ virtualboxThen create virtual disk for vista, install it from the the DVD ROM. To get the network going, install the missing network driver. Bickety Bam. Now I can test using IE7. |
I listen to podcasts on the way to and from work. Right now my favorite podcast is the stackoverflow podcast with Joel On Software They have a summer reading list. Looks interesting. 1. Peopleware: Productive Projects and Teams 2. Don?t Make Me Think: A Common Sense Approach to Web Usability 3. The Non-Designer?s Design Book 4. Facts and Fallacies of Software Engineering 5. Secrets of Consulting: A Guide to Giving and Getting Advice Successfully 6. Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion 7. Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In 8. How to Win Friends & Influence PeopleI've already read 2, 5 and 8. Perhaps some of the others I should see if the library has.... |
Got an interesting email today Please consider this position below, they are interviewing 10 people, and selecting 6. The will HIRE OVER THE PHONE MONDAY 5/19!!!!! Job details: * 6 contract positions * 2-6 month contracts * 3 internal projects that need to be developed rapidly * Exclusive contract opportunities until Monday, 05/19 * Up to 10 block interviews Monday, 05/19 * Prefers candidates to work locally, but will allow partial to 100% telecommuting * Will hire off of phone interviews * Must have documented experience using Groovy/Grails ?? please reference check all candidates * H1Bs with good comm skills are acceptable * If we can??t find enough Groovy/Grails candidates, we will change the focus to Ruby on Rails. We need to make this decision by Thursday morning. CJ Liles Technical Recruiter - Technology Flex Kforce Professional Staffing 2201 E. Camelback Road, Suite 405 Phoenix, AZ 85016 602-776-1179 (ph), 602-264-6969(fax) We grow by referrals so please don't keep me a secret! Cliles@Kforce.com www.kforce.com Great People = Great ResultsSM Join my network http://www.linkedin.com/in/cjliles |
![]() Going to buy a book? I always check AddAll before making a purchase. They seem to always find the best deal. I was at Barnes and Nobel looking at Groovy book. B&N wanted $40+ for the book, but I found it via AddAll for $23.03 with shipping. Ordered. The book was "Programming Groovy: Dynamic Productivity for the Java Developer" by Venkat Subramaniam. Sweet! |
![]() I like Grails and Groovy. I do get to use it some in my current gig. Since I'm a consultant, I need to always think about my next gig... How do I find people and projects that are using Grails/Groovy? I know some people are working on a directory ( grailscrowd.com ) and I know other technologies have nice directories ( workingwithrails.com ), but I'm also impatient and like to noodle around, hence Grails Fishbowl . But I recently discovered that linkedIn has a Grails User Group. I'm wondering why can't I just use that. Although I haven't figured out quite how to find the Grails User Group's list of people... but won't linkedIn do a much better job of this than me and my dinky hobby site? |
![]() Would it be good to have a site that registers people's Grails/Groovy skills? It would be a networking site for finding and locating people who have G/G skills for possible question answering and or finding/helping (full time/consulting) with groovy/grails work or small fun projects. Does anyone think this would be a good thing? (comment, or send email bob@jadn.com) I presume it would be a non-for-profit free to join kind of thing. And the code and data for the site would be open. That would mean you could host your own Russian version if you wanted to - etc... |
![]() Today's the last day of the 2GX Conference. The conference was/is very good. The food has been amazing!! The conference has been like going to 8 Java user group meetings in a row... Two Ninety minute presentations on Thursday, four on Friday, and now the final two today... There is also a "coding jam" type thing to end the conference, which I'm looking forward to. Coming to this conference was a good idea. |
![]() I'm going to the Groovy/Grails Experience this week! I'm looking forward to it. I plan to learn a lot. I'm curious about approaches for handling legecy SQL systems. How the plugin system works. Some more detail on creating DSLs. I'm also interested in Eclipse and Maven integration. It will all be goodness. |
![]() The second OLPC that I ordered was scheduled to arrive today. I tracked it being put on the truck . I was waiting for the driver to arrive, and then it happended. "Order canceled" showed up on the tracking site. A quick call to FedEx says that Brightstar canceled/recalled the order 2 days ago (1/30/2008). I think I'm going to just give up on this OLPC thing. |
![]() Well. I didn't hear anything from OLPC (I've contacted them numerous times, to no avail.), so on the last day allowed to make purchases (12/31) - I ordered another OLPC. I did file a claim with FedEx, they rejected it saying OLPC must make a claim. I expect the second order to arrive with no problems. I started the dispute process with my CC company for the first OLPC. |
![]() I figured I would fill out the FedEx claim form just for fun (for my missing OLPC pc - see below.) So I printed out the claims form PDF. When I called FedEx to get my "claim control number", they were surprised that would be filling out the claim. The FedEx claims lady said 9 out of 10 times the sender submits the claim. She said they usually deny the claim when it is submitted by the recipient. She said even if they do allow the claim, that they will send the refund to the sender unless the sender sends FedEx a letter stating that I should receive the refund. Super. Well hopefully I will get the call from the OLPC Donor Services manager today or early tomorrow and they are going to take all this pain away. Otherwise I guess I can call American Express and see what options they offer me.... |
![]() I called OLPC's "Donor Services" this morning around 8:15 or so. I had advised them that I called already on Friday and that I was looking to hear something like "We will file a claim with FedEx, and your replacement laptop is being sent immediately." Alas, Daisy said that her supervisor will call me later today or early tomorrow. So I will keep my cell phone with me at all times :-) |
![]() There is a OLPC meetup group forming with plans to meetup and discuss modding and hacking the OLPC XO laptop. The group is named MOD the XO Laptop |
![]() One annoying thing about using "ssh" is that it clears the screen when you disconnect. A lot of times I find I want to cut/paste something or just see something that I was just doing remotely. It finally dawned on me today that an easy way to avoid this problem is to just "disconnect" and not "logout". You can disconnect using the key sequence "~." and disconnecting doesn't clear the screen. Small potatoes for nearly everyone on the planet, but man - I find that nice. |
Way back in 2003, Crystal and I went on our Honeymoon. We've been pretty busy so I only am posting the photos now...
![]() If you develop web applications in Java, watij.com is pretty darn cool. It allows you to write Java code which drive Internet Explorer's interface. This allows you to write Java unit tests that drive the web browser. The JSSH plugin for Firefox allows you to script Firefox as well. |
![]() This is a neat library, called IUI for creating web applications (javascript) that resemble the interface of the iphone. Nifty. |
![]() I bought 5 DVD Players. I backup DVDs using k9copy on Ubuntu. Mostly I backup titles that my kids watch in the car. The backups play fine in my kids Audiovox two screen DVD player, but the backups didn't play in my 4 year old living room player. So I went to walmart and bought a cheapy Magnavox DVD player, my DVDs still wouldnt play. Go get slightly different model. No dice. So then I buy three DVD players from Target and my disks play fine in the second one that I open. It is this one here. I return all the others. Sheesh.... |
![]() Jadn.com is now running on Ubuntu , a very friendly version of Linux... We finally moved off Fedora 4, which was getting very old. After trying out Ubuntu on Crystals machine for a few months, I finally decided to try it on the server. Basically it has been a delight. |
A new version 1.21 of jbum is out. I implemented my first Groovy feature (I had already added the Groovy console in to jbum for development testing - see the help menu.) The feature is "Order images by filename" which was 20 lines of Groovy. Very cool. |
These are pretty funny if you do web technologies. The funniest part is usually the endings.... wait for it... (Press the little triangle on the lower left of each video to watch them in-page)
![]() Handy FireFox plugin.... Download Status Bar (useful if you download stuff and get tired of the Downloads window) |
![]() My sister got married!!! WHOO HOO!!! GO SCOTTY AND DEE. I posted some photos.... (also mentioned on the kids page ) |
![]() There is an interesting article on eweek, Python Slithers into Systems , which talks about what ITA does (I work @ ita.) |
![]() A good mock interaction, The S stands for Simple , that helps explain why I shy away from web services (It is too complicated and it hurts my gentle head.) |
![]() I just started playing with Groovy . It's pretty cool. Bought the Groovy in Action book, and I'm still working my way through it. |
![]() For Christmas this year, I made Crystal a photobook from the pages on the kids web site. She loved it. I printed the book, Liam and Max Herrmann 2006 , at lulu.com I used a program I wrote to generate the pdf. If you want to know more about how I did it, shoot me an email. |
![]() I went to a nejug.org talk on Javascript. Mostly review for me, but covered a few interesting points and had some fun quotes. I like this one the best, ...Waldemar Horwat...lead Javascript developer... [at] Netscape... considered Javascript to be just another syntax for Common Lisp-- Eric Lippert's Blog I also found out that the initial version of Javascript was a common lisp DSL (Domain Specific Language.) |
![]() I took some shots with my new phone in December. Its a Motorola V325i which is verizon wireless most basic phone. I used the open source program bitpim to extract the photos (and thus avoid paying the carrier a toll). |
![]() Updated Jblog.sf.net ... Added ability to use a local file as the "blog image"... handy for posting little snippets, and for when posting images off the desktop... needs a little more tweaking to be really useful. |
Intersting quote, The faithful do resist the bogus certainties of religion??when they come from any religion but their own. Every Christian knows what it is like to find the claims of Muslims to be deeply suspect. Everyone who is not a Mormon knows at a glance that Mormonism is an obscenely stupid system of beliefs. Everyone has rejected an infinite number of spurious claims about God. The atheist simply rejects one more.--Sam Harris Read the rest in RichardDawkins.net or this exchange, http://www.jewcy.com/dialogue/monday_why_are_atheists_so_angry_sam_harris |
![]() If you develop web applications, Selenium IDE - a open source firefox plugin - rules. It lets you record and playback sessions with firefox. Excellent for testing a web application or performing some routine web browser task. Very cool! |
![]() Should we be teaching religion in school? Should the Church of the Flying Spagetti Monster 's belief's be covered? Something to think about? |
![]() I made some progress on the basement this month. I took some photos of the Basement progress . NOTE: I made this photo page using a new version of jbum , if you have any problems viewing the page, let me know! Thanks! |
![]() I love this place. I sent a request for an extra battery for my laptop this morning. In about 10 minutes, I got a reply from the IT department that asked where I sat so they could bring it to me. When I went down their to pick it up, they apologized to me for not bringing it to me directly. ITA is oriented towards making developers comfortable and productive. Wow. Anyway, I have code to write... |
![]() ITA is in the news, ITA Software signs deal with Air Canada I work @ ITA. Nifty. [ More bizjournals.com ] |
![]() A friend of mine works at www.heliumknowledge.com . I think the site is an interesting start. Trying to solve the information discovery or findability problem, but from a different angle. (The Q and A angle.) I'm interested in what other people think about this site. |
![]() if you really want to see Microsoft scramble to patch a hole in its software, don't look to vulnerabilities that impact countless Internet Explorer users or give intruders control of thousands of Windows machines. Just crack Redmond's DRM. Read about Microsoft's Quickest Patch Ever |
![]() What would you do with 700 million dollars? How about create a Linux distribution? Interesting article Really Free Software |
Playing with uploading video to video.google.com (since youtube's upload api doesnt seem to exist.) This is the same video that I uploaded to youtube.
Have the courage to take your own thoughts seriously, for they will shape you.
Ok, Dvorak Is the last straw... I am finally going to try youtube.com. Here is small video of the Bean. When he was about 1 year old, I was giving him raspberry's and he responds. Ignore the sound of the cloths dryer in the background.
![]() I've just started trying out the FireFox 2.0 Beta 1 and I love it. How did I live without spell checking??? (It does the red squiggly line when you misspell) |
![]() Not too long ago I added rss feeds to jbum (the software that powers this blog), but I manged to botch it up a few days later. Well, RSS should be working again. I've been noodling with a different client (since RSSOWL has problems on Linux - thats SWT for ya.) My rss client of choice is now liferea it is very good. Note: the main rss feed is now http://jadn.com/~bob/all.rss |
![]() My parents are involved in a Rotary Club back home, so I was suprised to hear that Muslim fundamentalists don't like Rotary Clubs. But once you read the story (or I listened to it as a podcast on my way into work), you can understand how the situation arose. The Rotarian Menace |
![]() This Linux logo rocks ... from a story about Apple Hates Grandmothers ... or basically about how proprietary sucks. |
![]() Lots of geeky internet types are moving from Mac's to Linux (including one famous guy who has a mac tatoo, Cory Doctorow .) This guy, Mark, posted some advice about Linux programs that correspond to Mac ones. Even though I'm a die hard linux guy, I found his post, Essentials, 2006 edition , recommended a program or two that I need to check out... |
![]() Well the winds of chance of changed, and now I'm heading off to work for www.ITASoftware.com . They apparently do lots of stuff with Linux/Lisp/Java . So I should fit right in. I found an article, Carl de Marcken: Inside Orbitz , which seems to give some real details of how the business works there. |
![]() At lunch today, I was on my Microsoft is evil shtick, someone suggested I go Apple. I explained that, to me, Apple is just like a mini-Microsoft. But a blog post by Mark Pilgrim, When the bough breaks , does a much better job of explaining why I don't embrace Apple. When people hear Free and/or Expensive - they usually think of money, but I usually relate them to freedom and time. I use Linux not because it costs nothing, but because it gives me freedom (to make any changes I want.) I don't avoid commercial software because it costs money, I avoid it because it doesn't do what I want and it costs me more to work around it's annoyances. (Google Toolbar spellcheck rules.) |
I installed the Google Toolbar, because it was on http://blog.russnelson.com 's site. And I know Russ is both smart and very savvy. So I thought I'd try it out. I love the fact that it gives you spell checking in Web Forms!! Since I can barely spell, its hugely helpful!! Give it a spin yourself. |
![]() I've been using the RSSOwl program for a few months now. I really like it - it helps me stay on top of whats going on. I track these sites myrss.html and the same list in opml format . |
![]() Another thing I hate is these online photo services who let you upload high res photos, then only let you share them in a online photo album as low res photos. Shutterfly bad! |
![]() I find Ben Stein interesting. He wrote a short article about getting ahead, How to Succeed in Hollywood -- and Anywhere Else . He is pushing his book, but an enjoyable article none the less. |
![]() I do the occasional JavaScript development. I was surprised this weekend when debugging some JavaScript to find that FireBug , already an excellent FireFox development tool, now includes a JavaScript debugger. Wow! Works great! |
![]() Well, I used Ruby on Rails - and some JavaScript including using the Prototype library to layer on a commenting system on to my blog. It's pretty simple (so be nice.) It's kinda of neat that the page itself is still static html, the comment system is layered on as an AJAX application. |
![]() Classmates.com and linkedin.com are interesting social network sites. But I hate when they try to hold you hostage. For example, I wanted to email someone in LinkedIn and I get this.... Contact SOME PERSON directly through InMail?? To send an InMail now, upgrade your account or purchase individual InMail credits.This is annoying and limits the growth of their system, as many people just wont use the system. Nobody wants information to be locked up... yet that is exactly what classmates.com and linkedin.com do, they try and hold information for ransome. I ranted and I feel better. |
![]() Finally a public TCPMonitoring utility.... I can't even remember how many of those I'v written over the years.... why didnt I opensource any of mine? I think they were small hacks.... Yea, I know eclipse/wtp has one built in - but I like small little utilities that have source code - so I can go in an beat it when needed.... |
![]() A strange but interesting article It Doesn't Take an Einstein to Realize Why Microsoft Is Headed Down and Google Is Headed Up |
![]() The tiobe site, http://www.tiobe.com/tiobe_index , shows how popular different programming languages are. Although I mostly do Java (21.316%), I'm learning both Ruby (0.456%) and C# (3.271%). |
![]() My good friend Greg asked me about an RSS feed for my page, so I added one. It is the feed.rss link near the top of the page. RSS is most often used with a news reader. Since I wanted to test out my new feed.rss, I tried to find a decent free RSS client. I tried google's reader and I thought it sucked. Then I found RSSOwl and it rules! It's built on the eclipse engine so I'm not too surprised. |
![]() Finally, the JavaOne 2005 presentations are completely online (slides and audio .) I've only ever been to one JavaOne, but sometimes I would like to attend a presentation (via the web), finally I can. This rules! |
I now work for
as a senior architect (cloud-dweller). They do search and advertising stuff. I added the
What exactly does Miva do? Well, from Miva's investor relations (Miva is a public company) here is a description; MIVA's new media platform facilitates performance marketing for partners (publishers), advertisers and consumers (end-users). Our primary focus is on providing our partners with a complete set of innovative solutions enabling the acquisition, retention and monetization of their online audiences. For our advertisers, we provide solutions to manage, optimize and measure return on investment from keyword-targeted and context-related performance marketing programs. We generate traffic and leads to our advertisers through our network of publisher partners. Our integrated e-commerce merchant solutions allow online stores to capitalize on leads by offering robust online storefront, shopping cart, shipping, and payment capabilities. |
I designed the process for withdrawing money from an ATM. I created a class diagram , sequence diagram and an activity diagram . (I assumed the card holder only ever has 1 account.) Pretty cool. |
![]() I just got a Garman C320 for my wife (Happy Valentines day honey!) I've been in cars that have GPS systems before, but I was never the driver. And I was never familiar with the display. After having tinkered with my wife's for a few hours, and then used it in the car - I was blown away. It's just amazing to have all that additional information available. Its like having a symbolic debugger for your travel. After only using it twice, I feel naked when driving without one. The C320 was almost $400. Amazing. |
![]() I'm an advocate of open source software. My rational is simple. I want whats best for everybody and I think the best thing for everybody is open source. Closed source has advantages primarily for the proceducer of software (developers). Open source gives advantages to the users. Since there are usually many more users than developers, typically the common good is for the software's source to be freely available. Thus open source software is in the commmon good. Open source enables freedom. The freedom to change, modify, and redistribute. Even though most users (and most developers) never do drop down and make changes to open source software, we all benefit from the developers who do. In the same way all citizens have certain rights and even if they don't all exercize them, everyone benfits from everyone having those rights. |
Two new entries on the Kids page , Max is arriving in the "Year of the Dog" and we cleared out the cameras of all of our fall shots. |
![]() My coworker says the real power in EJB3/Hibernate is in the associations. Just mapping an object to the database is good, but mapping an object graph is better. So I expanded Person to have a collection of Subscription. Like so,
![]() At work we are tied to WebSphere and thus jdk1.4. So for the past 2 years I haven't ventured out into the land of Java5 or EJB3. Well, I have a small project that I wanted to do here at home, so I decided to try out both Java5 and EJB3. After two hours of tinkering, I wrote a class named Person ;
![]() I attended a NEGeeks dinner on Wednesday. It was cool to meet up with some other geeks and trade stories. I did learn one important thing. Never, if dared, agree to drink the contents of an upside down frisbee filled with beer. I turns out 5.5 cans of beer can be poured into such a vessel. Good to know! |
![]() The new fedora logo is cool. Its got the 'f' for fedora , and the infinity symbol for freedom forever. Swell. |
![]() This site, http://reddit.com/ , is a cool geek site. It has user rated links to other interesting bits of geek news. |
![]() Seems like Sun is starting to get it. Back in 96, when I worked at Sun, I thought it was pretty simple. When Unix wins, Sun wins. So doing everything possible to promote Unix was good for Sun. Including open sourcing all products ( from Schwart's blog ) Seems they finally agree with me.. although did they leave out java? |
Released 1.7 of jbum! Mostly this added the menu item "File/Order images by exif date". This takes your photos and arranges them by the date stored in the photo. This is really handy when you use more than one digital camera on a trip or multiple people use their cameras (say a birthday party) and you want to merge the results into one story. |
![]() The Bean turned one last weekend. One of my little projects was to do the artwork for a CD in the party favors. check it out |
![]() Some people visit their parents and enjoy the relaxing warmth of home. My fathers idea of warmth and comfort means asking me to help go out to the tree farm and burn some trees... In these photos, you can see that the warmth part was pretty covered! |
![]() If you know Javascript, then check out greasemonkey . It lets you modify webpages by injected javascript into every loaded page. It's crack UPDATE 05/17, there's now a story on wired about greasemonkey |
![]() I wonder if I will be like this when the bean is older... I updated the Bean's Page with some pictures of him and his pals |
![]() My home town, Rome New York, has an Amtrack Train station. My father snapped some photos at the dedication today... go pop! |
Let us realize that the privilege to work is a gift, that power to work is a blessing, that love of work is success. -David O. McKay |
![]() Woo Hoo, we get a new car... Here are some pics . Here is a pdf document showing exactly what I ordered. Happy Driving! |
![]() While visiting my parents, I took a trip up to my fathers Christmas tree farm to pick out a tree for Christmas. I took some pics. |
![]() A sometimes funny page, joy of tech had a funny anti microsoft image today... They have a new image every day.... |
![]() I updated my photo to web program, jbum.sf.net , fixed some more bugs, made it easier to use... enjoy!! |
![]() My father is getting city water... He sent me some photos of the water works . I like the heavy equipment... cool stuff.. |
![]() I got a new gig at ph.com . I am helping move some Microsoft (C++/MTS/COM) stuff to Java. My office is a desk in a hall way .... Crystal didn't believe me, this is my proof.... |
![]() Here are some pictures from our four days in Florida for a much needed vacation... We stayed at the South Seas Resort on Captiva Island... A Fantastic Time! |
![]() My father is working a little project .... Nice to be retired.... although is this really "taking it easy" ? |
If it doesn't have an open-source reference implementation, the term "standard" is an abuse of the language.
![]() I cut up the card board boxes from babypea's crib and dressers into nice 2 foot by 3 foot strips. I bound them together with twine. Then I see the recycle guy come by and go, leaving my nicely bound and cut up behind... Sheesh... why do I bother... I felt like this cartoon. |
Choosing a language for the Desktop.... Java, Mono, or C++? Naturally, I tend to favor java... but this Essay is an interesting overview. |
![]() Marc Andreessen, Netscape Co-Founder, 12 Reasons for Growth of Open Source
![]() How much in our lives is real reflection, and how much is just spinning our wheels? Quote: "A friend of mine once characterized the majority of computer scientists as people who would rather spend weeks of hard hacking than an afternoon in the library." I wonder, am I more the *library* or more the *hack* type? I more likely to just take the afternoon off and search the web to see if someone has already done the 'hard hacking' :-) |
![]() My father recently took a walk through the snow in upstate new york to visit his Christmas Tree Farm he emailed along some photos of his recent walk. Updated the link My father put up a more detailed version. |
"A witty saying proves nothing." --Voltaire |
![]() A quote from the Halloween 10 article, "The brave new SCOsource business model is now clear: sue your customers, shill for Microsoft, kite your stock, and pray you stay out of jail. " |
![]() Good article about opensourcing Java . Much better than Eric's plea. I like this quote "A GPL-ed Java would be Microsoft's biggest nightmare." |
![]() An interesting interview ... "Einstein once noted that an explanation should be as simple as possible, but no simpler. ... Explaining the world through a collection of objects is just too simple! The world is richer than what can be expressed with object-oriented syntax." |
![]() [Note: this has heavy programmer speak] Software today is all about complexity. Systems seem to grow until they are so complex that they collapse in on themselves. Something needs to be done to make things simpler... I think this Naked Objects is an interesting idea about how to use a framework that exposes all the details of your objects. I also like the idea of the user and developer having the same frame of reference. This stuff looks pretty neat. I think it will be important. |
![]() UPDATED - Pete finishes the floor! My wife's office is getting a new floor . My brother Pete is doing the install. Go Pete! |
![]() Wow, I was mentioned in my buddy Bryan's weblog!!! I thought it was funny that I mention his blog, he mentions mine, I mention that he mention mine. Funny because a lot of people reguard the entire blogging thing as pointless drivel... and I was kind of making fun of that. Too much subtlety. |
![]() My buddy Bryan finally got a blog . It's only got one entry so far, but way to go Bryan :) He mentions that he leased an Audi... |
![]() Interesting article, Why 802.11 is underhyped to quote, " With some 802.11 radio chips approaching $5 price points, Wi-Fi will likely be embedded in every electronic product under the sun. ... Make no mistake about it: 802.11, or one of its backwardly compatible descendants, will dominate the wireless communications sector over the next 10 years the same way the x86 architecture dominates computing and that Ethernet dominates networking. ". |
![]() I have been trying to learn and use UML for years... but it never seems to stick (other than the simpliest class and object interaction diagrams.) So, I like this quote... "UML reminds me a lot of the old OSI seven-level network model: Everybody learned it, everybody referred to it, and everybody knew why it didn't apply to their particular situation." --Ed Nisley, Dr. Dobbs Journal, December, 2002, p. 74 |
![]() Here is Our Weddding Announcement in the local Billerica newspaper. Yea, this ran in the paper almost a year ago... Crystal has been sick (Flu?), so I have been catching up with my backlog of photos. |
![]() Here are some photos from our Griswald Family Vacation. The Gelinas Family somehow got the idea to go on a cruise for the week before Christmas. A good idea, warm sun and fun instead of shopping in the mall. The Gelinas's invited the Cameron Family. So we all went. It was good time, although the weather wasn't as sunny and warm as we would have have liked. |
![]() Sometimes I think I spend too much time on the computer... But then I look at see what other people do with thier free time ... and I think... maybe I am ok... |
![]() Well, jadn.com is finally back. I ended up returning 2 hard drives to Maxtor for replacemtent... lets see how long the replacement lasts.... |
A nice quote,
![]() I call my wife Sweet Pea . I had some fun using an image program to make an image of her as a sweet pea. I found it amusing. I used the www.gimp.org to merge the images. |
![]() A interesting story about security, Joe Average User Is In Trouble Notable to me because I have started playing with Java's WebStart stuff. It is pretty cool.... I love this little quote (from the article) "Do you update your anti-virus software regularly?" I'll ask them. Most look at me as though I'd just asked them if they refloozle their hossenblobbets with tinklewickets.Sometimes I forget how non-programmers see things. |
![]() An interesting read, An Open Letter to Microsoft , suggests to Microsoft to play nice with Linux. Good idea. |
![]() I work for Sun Microsystems. They make Unix systems. Developers love Unix. But Sun seems to do so little to keep developers happy. I hate Microsoft, but Microsoft does such a good job of making developers happy . When will Sun rise to the occasion? |
This article was pretty good... He focuses mostly on WiFi, but talks about the growth of technology in general.. I like this quote, "Innovations happen when people have the opportunity to add value" |
![]() I recently got my father's web site, atree4u.com back up and running . It had been down since we got reset because of the hard drive crash. It looked to me like he updated his site since I last saw it... cool... |
![]() If you follow the Linux -vs- SCO, you might appreciate how funny I thought this was "In an apparent oversight, SCO forget to issue a press release this morning asserting yet another ownership claim against parts of the Linux kernel. Worse, no one has filed a new lawsuit against SCO today or even offered to indemnify Linux users against this predatory company's actions."The whole story is here |
![]() Two weeks ago Crystal turned 30. We had a birthday part at a nice resturant in Boston. Here are some shots |
![]() We had a hard drive failure... Yikes!!! Luckily I had a backup, so everything got reset to early May. Ah well, maybe monthly backups would be a good idea.... humm... |
![]() I havent said anything thoughtful in a while.... how about " The unchallenged mind is fertile ground for the whims of any ideology "... I read a weblog by Dave Winer and he is always coming up with interesting insights. |
![]() I enjoyed reading the story C# is just Java?only a little worse , but I tend to like stories that strengthen my own beliefs. |
![]() I read this article about Understanding the Psychology of Programming and it stuck with me. I think it was an interesting read. Enjoy. Kinda scary picture of the author... |
![]() My next geek toy has to be a Wrist PDA available this summer. It runs palm's OS which is an excellent PDA. The palm is great with storing appointments and ToDo lists. Plus it works well with linux - Sweet. |
![]() The Watertown NotYourAverageJoes has been my favorite restaurant of late. We tried the Arlington one, but weren't very happy. The "baked pasta" special in Arlington wasn't as good as the Watertown one. Disappointment. The Watertown version uses bow-tie pasta in a tomato and cream sauce that is very awesome. The Arlington version was a strange pasta with plain tomato sauce... boo... Ah well, the new house in Tewksbury is far away from any Joes... |
![]() A recent article in, "I, CRINGELY" entitled How to Avoid the Almost Certain End of Sun Microsystems was a interesting read. A bit scary for people who (like me) work at Sun... I have always felt Sun could do a lot better by making Solaris more like RedHat. RedHat bundles thousands of useful tools with their release, Solaris comes with almost nothing by comparison. It is a shame that Sun doesnt adopt a RedHat like approach to delivering functionality in/on Solaris. |
If you are a linux user, then you should also find that switch to linux flash animation is hilarious. It mimic's the now famous "switch to mac" advertisements. |
![]() Frank first mentioned the Shuttle PC after he read a review on Tom's Hardware . He was really excited about its small form factor and wide range of capabilities for a reasonable price. Some of his excitement rubbed off on me. And for Christmas I got one. (THANKS HONEY!!) The shuttle comes as just a case, power supply and mother board. I added;
I am visiting my buddie Bryan in NYC. I went to Linux expo on Friday for an hour or so, pretty boring. We went bar hopping last night, that was fun. |
This here is an interesting story on a cloned kitten . I love the name of the company that did the clone, " Genetic Savings & Clone ." Kitty so cute. |
Well, Linux World Expo is happening in NYC this week. So there should be lots of exciting Linux news!! Woo Hoo!!
![]() Some people whine about how opensource will destroy the software industry. I have always felt this was incorrect but I couldnt eloquently explain my position... I like this quote from Russell Pavelick (who is quoting Doc Searls) Imagine a housing market in which trees are scarce. In that market, much money is made by the few companies that control the expensive commodity called lumber. |
Heard the film, Spiderman , is all that and a bag of chips. We rented the DVD, but we weren't blown away. Crystal liked it. I didn't enjoy that much, I felt let down. |
My page is a weblog. I mimic'ed slashdot.org , my favorite site, in setting up the layout of my weblog.... Anyway, lots of people now have weblogs. The technorati site keeps track of which weblogs are the most popular. Pretty cool! You can check it out here, http://www.technorati.com/cosmos/top100.html Chock full of interesting reading. |
Crystal's Birthday was August 13th. To celebrate we all went to Crystal's favorite Lobster restaurant in Maine. And I shot some photos. |
I just got a new toy! The Logitech Digital Camera, it works best in bright light (it has no flash.) Here are some sample shots |
Took a trip to Rome, New York on Memorial Day weekend. Snapped some shots of my dad playing with his tractor and a tractor trailer that had overturned! |
My sister's twins turned two years old and had a party. My father took the shots and built the page. Go Dad! They apparently rented a inflatable house for the kids to jump around in. Nifty! |
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![]() As a big fan of AOL's instant messaging system, I found the article " My Two Cents on AOL's Blockings " very interesting. It explains when they have blocked clients and why. |
![]() Here is a picture of me during a camping trip with my father and his brother in May of 1970. I was four years old.
Today's quote
"[...] open source has the potential to bring the software industry back to the marketplace; following a decade in which one company determined what innovations would take place, when and at what price." ZDNET: Microsoft's spin on linux |
Some interesting quotes....
First annoying Microsoft says something stupid "Open source is an intellectual-property destroyer," Microsoft's operating systems chief Jim Allchin said, "I can't imagine something that could be worse than this for the software business and the intellectual-property business." RedHat, a Linux vendor, Responds, "I'd argue that a worldwide monopoly, enforced by business practices that a federal judge has found to be predatory and anti-competitive probably has more to do with killing innovation than anything the open source movement could ever do." Red Hat's CEO Richard Stallman rules! He says, "The Free Software Movement was founded in 1984, but its inspiration comes from the ideals of 1776: freedom, community, and voluntary cooperation. This is what leads to free enterprise, to free speech, and to free software. "Richard's article is interesting. Reat it here in this article |
This Boston globe article ECONOMIC PRINCIPALS Gates vs. the poets kicks ass! Amazed that a print paper understands these issues.
I think this
article is a good read
, for us geeks anyway. It is an interview with super geek Eric Raymond. Here is a quote,
IBM, it is now the policy of that company, announced by its president, [...] every new piece of software written at IBM must be issued under an open source license, unless the development managers can make a specific business case why that should not be. |
interesing article
about aggregation sites.
About 400,000 people now use aggregation services that gather financial information, up eightfold this year, Marenzi says. With major banks and Web portals joining the fray, he predicts the total will double by year's end and reach 8 million by 2004. |
Microsoft pisses me off.
[..] Microsoft defended its statements in court by saying its reference to defining the standard "is mere puffery upon which consumers cannot reasonably rely and, therefore, does not constitute false advertising." Whyte [the judge] then examined the legal basis of puffery, or "puffing," as it has been defined in earlier false-advertising cases. Whyte noted that "puffing" is an exaggerated, generalized or ambiguous claim and not "a statement of specific fact upon which a consumer would reasonably rely." |
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Updated my
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Clearly my father is trying to out do me in the web photo album catagory of life.
See his latest entry A few shots on the twins new birthday swings to see what I mean! |
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An excellent article,
Piper of Technology
, is all about Bill Joy. One of the many crazy
brains at Sun.
"Voracious Reader at Tender Age of 3 A tousle-haired Shakespeare fanatic who consumes as many as a dozen books on an extreme range of topics daily, Joy still browses in the local bookstore, even after becoming Amazon.com's second-largest individual customer." I am overjoyed when I read a book a month. Sheesh... |
Articles by Bill Gurley are always a fascinating read. He seems to make the complex obvious... like this article on stock valuations . killer. |
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Here is an intesting place to pickup unusual ideas, www.memepool.com . They even have a link to that Jive Delta Clip (that I posted below) |
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Updated my
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FYI!!! This is (NOT) an actual radio conversation between a United States Navy aircraft carrier U.S.S. Abraham Lincoln and Canadian authorities off the coast off Newfoundland in October, 1995. (The radio conversation was released by the Chief of Naval Operations on 10/10/95 as authorized by the Freedom of Information Act.) Canadians: Please divert your course 15 degrees to the South to avoid a collision. Americans: Recommend you divert your course 15 degrees to the North to avoid a collision. Canadians: Negative. You will have to divert your course 15 degrees to the South to avoid a collision. Americans: This is the Captain of a US Navy ship. I say again, divert YOUR course. Canadians: No, I say again, you divert YOUR course. Americans: THIS IS THE AIRCRAFT CARRIER USS LINCOLN, THE SECOND LARGEST SHIP IN THE UNITED STATES ATLANTIC FLEET. WE ARE ACCOMPANIED BY THREE DESTROYERS, THREE CRUISERS, AND NUMEROUS SUPPORT VESSELS. I DEMAND THAT YOU CHANGE YOUR COURSE 15 DEGREES NORTH...I SAY AGAIN.....THAT'S ONE-FIVE DEGREES NORTH.... OR COUNTER-MEASURES WILL BE UNDERTAKEN TO ENSURE THE SAFETY OF THIS SHIP!! Canadians: This is a lighthouse. Your call. Ok, that story is pure urband legend... Not too suprising, but someone did actually check;
I updated my
[ FYI, someone emailed me this, I didnt create it. -- lllike PLEASE ] Start with a cage containing five monkeys. In the cage, hang a banana on a string and put a set of stairs under it. Before long, a monkey will go to the stairs and start to climb towards the Banana. As soon as he touches the stairs, spray all of the monkeys with cold water. After a while, another monkey makes an attempt with the same result --aaall the monkeys are sprayed with cold water. Pretty soon, when another monkey tries to climb the stairs, the other monkeys will try to prevent it. Now, Turn off the cold water. Remove one monkey from the cage and replace it with a new one. The new monkey sees the banana and wants to climb the stairs. To his horror, all of the other monkeys attack him. After another attempt and attack, he knows that if he tries to climb the stairs, he will be assaulted. Next, remove another of the original five monkeys and replace it with a new one. The newcomer goes to the stairs and is attacked. The previous Newcomer takes part in the punishment with enthusiasm. Again, replace a third original monkey with a new one. The new one makes it to the stairs and is attacked as well. Two of the four monkeys that beat him have no idea why they were not permitted to climb the stairs, or why they are participating in the beating of the newest monkey. After replacing the fourth and fifth original monkeys, all the monkeys which have been sprayed with cold water have been replaced. Nevertheless, no monkey ever again approaches the stairs. Why not? Because that's the way it's always been around here. And that's how company policy begins.... |
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![]() ![]() Another reason I was surprised to like this film is, I knew most of what was going to happen (ie. I saw the trailer). So I was surprised how much time I spent after the film mulling over all the things that were in play. The movie certainly provided some mental entertainment beyond just the smooth visuals and decent acting, it provided some paradoxes and situations that kept me thinking through stuff. Nifty. |
So If I were now to set out and read a book a week (a blistering pace compared to my current rate of a book every month or so), I would be done in about 2 years. Woo Hoo! |
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I suffer from RSI (Repetitive Strain Injury.) It sucks. I recommend reading Erik Barkley's experience to gain an idea of what this is like. I have experienced and/or read about everything mentioned. |
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![]() I was expecting the Film to be a light hearted satire of the movie making business, but it was much darker film. It definitely did draw out the Hollywood scene, but the main character, played by Tim Robbins, was hard to identify with. For most of the film, he is "trapped" in a situation that he is unable to resolve. The situation slowly grows to nearly consume all his attention and then slowly wanes. For much of the film, he seems caught in a kind of low grade panic. The film does do this interesting thing of constantly reflecting upon itself (like the opening scene being one big shot.) Overall it was an enjoyable piece. |
![]() I didn't like part of the films ending, so I was pretty pleased to hear it discussed in the supplemental material. After hearing the producers thoughts I can at least appreciate why that part was done the way it was. |
![]() I was hoping that the DVD version would have some extra gaffes or an interview with Rowan, but no luck. It only had the trailers. |
Ok, A hacker broke into our site, so I have been pretty busy with
rebuilding our system (only secure this time.) This month's Scientific
American has a pretty good article about hackers.
The DVD was pretty cool. It contained about 11 scenes that were cut from the film. The DVD also had a sound track where the director, Mel Smith, talks about the film. It is cool to hear the thoughts and intentions of the director. It gives extra depth to the film and the craft of film making. |
I saw a
Harvard Healthcare primary care physician
on an express
visit last Thursday. He diagnosed me with chronic tendonitis. Which
basically means the tendons in my forearms have been hurting for a
while and not healing on their own. Seems like I use the computer too
much. Bummer. Especially since I tend to make my living from using
the computer (for now anyway!)
The doctor agreed to send me to occupational therapy. I will be seeing a Hand Therapist, Elaine LeCroix , hopefully soon. (UPDATE: Scheduled for Oct 14th)
My father recently went to a renaissance fair and snapped some photos. He says he was just experimenting with the camera, so expect shots of the family or great lighting effects... Good to see Pop is getting out of the house! :-) |
I am going home for the long weekend. Lucky me! Must remember to snag the camera... Might camp out at the farm, don't yet know for sure. |
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Ok. The vacation pics are ready. Actually my father beat me to the punch. He hosted the vacation pics here , enjoy!! |
I haven't gotten bored with updating this. Ok, maybe a little. But I also have been battling a RSI flare up. Mostly my tendons in my forearms. A good posture, keeping your wrists straight, and taking breaks are important to prevent this painful and crippling condition. YOU SHOULD TAKE ACTION NOW. Goto http://amazon.com and search on RSI. buy and read. |
We have been invaded. Jerry and Frank's cousin Matt has just moved in. Check out the first day of his job search here. GO MATT! |
Just got back from a week long vacation in South Haven, Michigan. My
family was having a annual get together. The house was right near the
beach and town. It was pretty sweet. I have some pictures of the
trip. I will post them soon... :-)
Here is a Blast from the Past Check out this news paper article from when Jerry and I were little kids... sweet. |
Woo Hoo,
, the really cool Java technology for distributed
computing, is out of the bag... read about it here;
Ok, here is a joke.
A farmer walked into an attorney's office wanting to file for a divorce. The attorney asked, "May I help you?" The farmer said, "Yea, I want to get one of those dayvorce's." The attorney said, "well do you have any grounds?" The farmer said, "Yea, I got about 140 acres." The attorney said, " No, you don't understand, do you have a case?" The farmer said, "No, I don't have a Case, but I have a John Deere." The attorney said, "No you don't understand, I mean do you have a grudge?" The farmer said, "Yea I got a grudge, that's where I park my John Deere." The attorney said, "No sir, I mean do you have a suit?" The farmer said, "Yes sir, I got a suit. I wear th to church on Sundays." The exasperated attorney said, "Well sir, does your wife beat you up or anything?" The farmer said, "No sir, we both get up about 4:30." Finally, the attorney says, "Okay, let me put it this way. "WHY DO YOU WANT A DIVORCE?" And the farmer says, "Well, I can never have a meaningful conversation with her." |
![]() As you can no doubt see, I have finished the paperback book on the right. I thought it was a pretty amazing read. It was just so weird to read Ben Franklin's own words. He talks about setting up shop in Boston and traveling to and from London. It is remarkable how down to earth the living legend was. In all of his writing, he is amazingly humble... Perhaps I could learn from him. Nah, I don't need any improvement. :-) |
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Frank and I left Rome around 5:30 and arrived back home in Arlington at about 10pm. I had fun this weekend. My aunt Roberta, cousin Jennifer, and Jennifer's cousin Sarra were visting. I see them about every 5 or so years, so it is a little like remeeting them everytime. I left the air hockey table in Rome. I will have to get it next time... It was quite fun playing, but it did make our hands a little sore... |
A nice dreary 4th, a good day to cuddle up to the keyboard or go
shopping or do both. We did both... hit the dollar store, K-mart, and
wall-mart... bought some odds and ends... including an air hockey
table for $65 bucks... Don't know how I am going to get that home...
Maybe Jerry and Gail can fit it in their car... humm...
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There was much rejoicing today. The product we are working on was accepted
by the customer.
Woo Hoo...
At work we were a little nervous about this
because we found a number of problems in the past few weeks, but we think
we have it straightened out now...
I tried race walking today... Race walking is just like regular walking except you do it really fast... This causes a lot of hip swing and rapid arm movement, which in turn causes you to look and feel like a goof. But a race walk workout is as effective as a jogging/running workout with much less chance of injury. (Much lower impact) I might try changing 1/3 of my daily run to incorporate race walking... |
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Today we visited provincetown. A very artsy and "expressive" place... Naturally we went up the Granite Tower, very cool. We also did some shopping (naturally.) I bought some Tee Shirts (like what else) and a plain (but quite nice) baseball cap (so I don't look like Don King when I first get up in the morning.) As the evening drew to a close, Frank and I realized we had nearly gone 48 hours without Internet access. Since the house had to be vacated Saturday morning by 10am (so the next renters can take over), Frank and I decided to get back to Boston. We made it home at about 1am and spent the next hour or so Surfing the net... :-) |
Ok, on Wednesday night Frank and I packed up and left for the Cape at about 8:30pm, so we didn't get to the house Jerry and Gail rented until about 11:30 (we stopped for eats at Pizza Uno.) The house they rented was interesting. It was a simple smallish 2 story A frame house, like you might find vermont near the ski slopes. The house had two strong themes; 1. it was decorated with lots of arty nick nacks that look like they were done by the owners wife (lots of painting of chicks and stuff) 2. the house looked like it was assembed with scraps from a 1000 other construction jobs (the owner was a builder.) So every window was different from every other one, every piece of trim was different from every other one... The house it self was almost art like in the strangely disconnected way everything was tied together... Perhaps Jerry snapped some shots of the house... |
Not much new... Jerry and Gail are lounging at the Cape so Frank and I
are going it alone... although we plan to go out to the Cape Wednesday
evening and hang out through Saturday.
Roger Goun
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Well, I am spending this weekend working in the office. Oh poop. We have a deadline to meet, and I want to take Thursday and Friday off to hang out with Jerry, Gail and Frank in the Cape. That should be like camping, no computers. :-) |
![]() Brian and Linda Romano are visiting this weekend. They arrived this evening. They also brought thier mutt, Elvis. Jerry and Gail are going to play tour guides on Friday and show them around a bit... Fun fun...
Watched SouthPark and B5. Kick ass. Ran twice today, once in the morning and once when I got home from work... Don't know what came over me... It was just a nice cool evening and I had the power! Bumming because I did want to finish setting up my "new improved computer desk"... I am in the process of attaching a keyboard tray to the folding table that I use as a computer desk... I will have to snap some pics of this project. As Red Green says, "If the women don't find you handsome, they should at least find you handy." |
Still cleaning up after the big hard drive problems... Lots of images in the picture gallery have gone funky... I am working to restore or purge problem images... :-( |
I worked from home today... that was a nice change... gets rid of that ugly 1.5 hr I normally spend riding to and from work... I was also able to run some errands. Like getting my hair cut (thank god), buying some new running shoes (asics gels - nice shoe), and some roller blades! Cool, now I find out it is going to rain all weekend... Must not use rollerblades on wet surface. Must not use rollerblades on wet surface. Must not use rollerblades on wet surface. :-( |
Saw SouthPark and B5... both good episodes... SouthPark was mostly about Jimbo and Ned's local access show titled "Hunting and killing". B5 had londo finding out that his home planet is guilty of attacking all the aligned worlds. |
Worked like a dog today... 14.5 hours in at 9:30am out at 2:30am (time off for lunch and dinner.) We were making a product release deadline. We made it, just barely. |
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Updated the nolan page . Hacked on some demo Java code for dee. Went to a morning conference on Sun's "Ultra AXI" mother board. Mostly to drag out information about the JavaChips... Sun seems to be taking the "some day soon" approach to getting JavaChips released... |
Beat on this page a little. Got the dates soft colored (gray) and in the upper left. It is good to have goals in life. Installed JBuilder2, it looks complicated. I think I am gonna stick with just emacs and the JDK. The gas pedal on my truck got stuck again today. That sure puts some excitement into the routine. It seems to loosen up with a few stomps, but it doesn't always happen at the best times... 1998 |
Ok Ok Ok! Changed the images sizes for the animations to be
small... Shesh doesnt everyone have a cable modem? :-)
Redid this home page.
Always a work in progress.
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